Friday, July 31, 2009

7 1/2 months - 73# - 26"

With dh recovering from his surgery and another on the horizon in about two months, we're not going to the Shiloh Shepherd Home Coming this year. I'm pretty bummed but at the same time, dh's surgery was long overdue. He is getting better every day!

Bella is taking in all the attention from our extended family as they come over to help. She is stretching out and upward again as well. She is learning more manners as it is more important now for her not to jump up and to behave herself in the house. Her zoomies have moved to outside and more walks have been in the routine.

Here is Bella and Mason checking out the new cat toy... the ball that goes around and round lights up which Bella finds so amusing!

The second picture shows her with her new bee toy... she often plays with one toy while keeping another in her mouth. Shhh... don't tell her but she DOES think she is a cat ;)