Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer 2010

So many home projects needed to be tackled and have sucked time away from blogging. Here is Bella & Daddy playing outside in August. We've had one of our hottest & most humid summers in a LONG time. Having hubby finally healthy enough to enjoy this summer has been wonderful!

Bella naturally stacked and oh so THIN! We've been noticing her growth tapering off height wise but she is certainly yet slowly adding mass.

Some creepy Asian comments were attached to my blog so I've removed the comments section... sorry folks!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

April 2010 - 16 months 88#

Wow, long time between posts!
In April, Bella is 88 pounds and hasn't gotten any taller... we're still waiting for her to 'blossom' as well. She is just a late bloomer!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

January 2010
Bella is checking out the snowy front yard.

Friday, January 1, 2010

1 Year - 27.5" tall - 80#

Did you forget that this is MY chair? Look at how much I've grown!

Holidays 2009

A whole year has come and gone. We're sincerely hoping that 2010 is a MUCH better year than the last... With dh's health improving yet still finding some new issues here and there... And all the fun household improvements we've accomplished in 2009, MORE continue to pop up at the worst possible times... Bella and the rest of the critters provide us all with the unconditional love we all need :)

Bella trying to stay up to see Santa. She didn't manage to stay up long enough for his visit.

Here is our latest addition - Lulu. She is a sweet blue bicolor Ragdoll that joined our family in late November.