Friday, April 10, 2009

16 weeks - 40+ pounds

With both ears up reliably and 4 teeth lost and replaced with big girl teeth, Bella looks more like a mini adult Shiloh. Her proportions are spot on for the time being. At 40+ pounds, she is a solid girl. Soon enough she'll be a gangly teenager! Her favorite activies continue to be chasing the cats, farting and chewing on beef bones. Puppy kindergarten starts on the 16th which is just days short of her 4 month birthday. House training has made great strides and she is now notifying us when she has to potty so she can be trusted much more than just a few weeks ago. She still hates her crate but we're working on some techniques to make it more pleasant.

Dh and I have been shopping for a used RV for this year's home coming. It has been YEARS since we've been out to NY and we're doing out best to plan ahead. We're also planning on attending the Hutchinson IABCA show in May. While we'd love to bring all the kids with us, we will have to play that by ear depending on our budgeting ability.

Here you can see her and her boy searching for Easter eggs.